Urban-Care is a specialist, holistic support scheme delivering tailored support packages for young people making the journey from a range of care settings to independence, whatever that entails for them. We recognised independence is a journey for young people, and some take longer than others to learn the necessary skills to be successful. Our service is focused upon the cohort of young people of 16 years plus whom are needing robust, sustainable housing with varying levels of comprehensive support to succeed.
Young people’s experience of care is often disjointed, tainted with periods of instability and significant change, often driven by availability of resource and budgetary constraint. This disruption is most common for the cohort of children in later adolescence striving for greater degrees of independence and most significantly at the verge of adulthood. From our experience, it is at this point young people are most vulnerable to change, in that large proportions of young people are faced with changes in placements owing to their new found adult status and changes of services as they say good bye to their Social Workers and say hello to their Personal Advisors. For young people whom cannot rely upon a consistent network of family, this is significant and can often propel young people in to further challenges.
We are a modernised, professional service meeting and exceeding all industry standards with a bespoke, flexible service model that can furnish the ever-changing accommodation and support needs of our commissioners. Our direct experience of statutory children's services is largely unrivalled in the vast majority of current providers and allows Urban-Care to creatively and robustly support young peoples pathway plans.
We welcome inquiry and inspection and can provide articulate records, creative plans within a congruent policy framework.
' the local authority is effective in providing housing solutions for care leavers. As a result of good partnerships, the authority has put a range of options in place for young people, including supported accommodation and semi-independent living.'
'They feel safe where they live.'
Southend Ofsted inspection July 2016: The experience and progress of care leavers is rated good.
Website: Urban-care.co.uk
Email: admin@Urban-Care.co.uk
Telephone: 0800 433 7906
Mobile: 07932457487